WBK and other Surrey divisions hold both Winter and Summer meetings. These are times to get together learn new things, meet members and discuss all thing bee related.

Upcoming Events and Talks

Date Event Location
Fri 28th Mar 2025 Talk by Norman Carreck Croydon
Due to high demand, Croydon Beekeepers have now booked a larger space and increased the capacity for our winter meeting with Norman Carreck on Friday 28th March. All Surrey members are welcome to attend. Please use the link below to book your space, for the location of the meeting, and further details. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1127513887389?aff=oddtdtcreator
Mon 31st Mar 2025 WBK Quiz and Chips Revive Coffee Shop in Chertsey
All members will have received details of this event by email dated 22/02/2025 from David Ramsay (via Michael Main). Please complete and return asap to David davidrobertsonramsay@gmail.com the short form that was sent with that email. A map of Chertsey and information about parking were given on page 3 of the February Newsletter, sent by email on 02/02/2025. The Quiz night that David and Lisa ran a couple of years ago was a very enjoyable event, even if not all, like us, were brilliant at coming up with answers… Do try to come.
Mon 14th Apr 2025 Nosema clinic and talk by Paul Doeman Revive Coffee Shop in Chertsey
Come get your bees tested fro Nosema and listen to a great talk. Starts 7.30pm.

Past Events

Date Event Location
Sat 8th Mar 2025 Skep Making Rural Life Living Museum, Reeds Road, Tilford, Farnham, GU10 2DL
Skep-Making Workshop with Chris Park 9.30am-4pm, Learn the ancient art of skep making and create your very own traditional beehive. Chris will guide you through the process step by step, sharing his expertise and passion for this unique craft. Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in a centuries-old tradition and take home a piece of history! Cost £75 for the day, paid directly to FBKA. 9.30 for 10am start. Refreshments are provided but bring your own lunch or use the Museum Cafe. 3 Please book your place through Eventbrite and pay your session fee £75 directly to Surrey Beekeepers Farnham Division, quoting your name: Account name: Surrey Beekeepers Association - Farnham Division Sort code: 40-52-40 Account number: 00008497 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/skep
Wed 19th Feb 2025 Fifty plus years with bees - fads and fancies, babies and bathwater. Revive Coffee Shop in Chertsey
We have an invited speaker for this meeting, Malcolm Clarke, who has kept bees in his home apiary near Guildford for longer than most beekeepers in the whole country. He has a wealth of experience to share with us and has chosen a lovely title for his talk: "Fifty plus years with bees - fads and fancies, babies and bathwater."