It’s never too early to get involved with beekeeping
Children are fascinated by honey bees. We want to build on that fascination and encourage young people to learn more about the world of the honey bee.
Beekeeping and school children
The great thing is that when children discover bees they find they are not scary creatures at all. Weybridge Beekeepers members currently help a number of schools keep bees. The average age of a beekeeper today is 66, so we need to encourage new people into the hobby!
If you are interested in keeping bees at your school one of our members would be happy to chat with you about how best it is done. In addition the British Beekeepers Association has a person specifically to support schools.
Part of what the BBKA has created is a structured approach to support Key Stages 1 & 2 Curriculum. It may even be possible for one of our members to visit your school if they are the North West Surrey (Weybridge Beekeeping area) and talk to children about bees and the environment.
Sometimes (April to September) an observation hive with real bees is available, or a ‘’virtual beehive’’ – no real bees – but it is great for children to look inside and find out about the hidden world of bees. The main focus of our resources is science. However, bees are a wonderful medium for integrating into and/or theming the first and middle school curriculum. The BBKA has further details of the support offered on Key Stages 1 and 2 materials here.
If you would like to discuss how we might contribute to your school curriculum, please contact secretary: weybridgebees.sec@gmail.com
We also hope in the future to be able to host schools at a new teaching apiary/centre that we are looking to set up.