Taster Days

There are two taster days planned in August each year; dates to be confirmed. Please email the training co-ordinator at weybridgebees.training@gmail.com to book a place More information can be found on these days here.

Winter Theory Course (10 weeks)

The dates for the coming course are from normally around mid January (exact date TBC), and then for the next 9 consecutive Mondays. Each session starts at 7.30pm and lasts for approximately two hours. For course fees and details on how to apply see Beekeeper Training Page. The training course is normally held at Suez EcoPark, Charlton Lane, Shepperton, Surrey, TW17 8QA. The theory course is followed by a 10-week practical course held during late April-late June (dates to be confirmed).

Winter Meetings

There are normally four winter meetings, two virtual and two physical from January to April each year. The venue for physical meetings is the Suez EcoPark, Charlton Lane, Shepperton Surrey, TW17 8QA.

Summer Meetings

The dates for the meetings in 2024 are below – 2025 are still TBC, and will be updated throughout the year. Please do come back to this page or look in the newsletter for anymore updates. Any questions feel free to email the secretary at weybridgebees.sec@gmail.com

HostsDate (2024)Target AudienceTopicDetails
Teaching Apiary 25th MarchAll MembersVariousPresentations given by our own members.
Michael Main23rd AprilBeginnersStart of the SeasonHousing Bees from a Tree, Shook Swarm, Bailey Comb Change
Aslam Aziz May All MembersSwarmsHousing a swarm, what to feed, when to feed, how long to feed
TBAJuneBeginnersPreparing for the FlowTypes of super. How many? Types of
clearers and clearing methods Calibrating
a refractometerr
Teaching ApiaryJulyAll membersAn Inspector Calls The Seasonal Bee Inspector takes us through a hive inspection.
Paul BunclarkeAugustAll MembersSummer Social
David ParkerSeptember BeginnersPreparing for WinterA detailed look at preparing and feeding bees for winter

WBK Annual General Meeting

The WBK AGM is held every year in November. The exact date will be announced each October.

Surrey BKA Annual General Meeting

The annual Surrey BKA AGM is held in December each year.  Full details can be found on the SBKA website here

A full list of events being held throughout the Surrey Beekeeping area can be found here:

Under 18s at Events

WBK welcomes the attendance of under 18s at our events but due to child protection requirements WBK requires that either a guardian or parent also attends.  If a child is attending an event without their parent or legal guardian, but with another guardian (e.g friend of the family) WBK requires a letter from the legal guardians/parents confirming that the other party is acting as the guardian of the child at the WBK event.

Photography and Video taking at WBK Events

Please note that photographs and footage may be taken at Weybridge Beekeepers apiary, winter and other meetings. These may be used by Weybridge Beekeepers and Surrey Beekeepers Association for marketing and publicity in their publications, on their websites and in social media or in any third party publication. Please contact: weybridgebees.sec@gmail.com if you have any concerns or if you wish to be exempted from this activity.

Your rights
Should you see an image containing a picture of yourself on either website then you have the right to request Weybridge Beekeepers or Surrey Beekeepers Association to stop using your image at any time, in which case it will not be used in future publications but may continue to appear in publications already in circulation. If you wish to exercise this right please write to: weybridgebees.sec@gmail.com