Teaching apiary on the move

The Weybridge division’s teaching apiary has been in the grounds of St Georges Junior School in Weybridge since 2015.  In August 2017 the hives were damaged by vandals on three occasions, so the decision was made to move the hives into the garden of a member for the winter period.  The original plan was to move the hives back to St Georges in the spring but an alternative site in Ottershaw has since become available.  Hopefully this will be less vulnerable to vandalism and will provide a temporary home until a more permanent site can be secured.

On Sunday 12 April a working party of Weybridge members went to St Georges to load paving slabs and the contents of the shed on to a trailer.  The shed was then dismantled ready for the journey to Ottershaw.  In the evening of the same day, the hives were transported from their winter quarters and placed in the new apiary site.

The 24 students on the 2018 beginner beekeepers’ course began the practical part of the course in the new apiary on 21 April.

Nosema Clinic 2018

Our Nosema clinic was well attended where members were shown how to prepare samples and examine them under a microscope to detect the presence of Nosema.  High concentrations of Nosema will cause problems for our bees and appropriate action, such as a shook swarm, may be necessary.

Surrey Beekeepers Meeting on Asian hornets

We hosted a meeting open to all members of the Surrey Beekeepers Association, on the topic of the Asian Hornet.  The meeting was  well attended.  We are grateful to David Kemp, who came to talk to us and also to the BDI who sponsored the meeting.  There will be write ups of the meeting the news letter but here is a first report from Richard Bradfield from the Reigate division.  David kindly provided handouts  on what beekeepers can do and on making your own hornet trap.  Some pictures taken at the meeting are below.