The British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) exists to promote and further the craft of beekeeping and to advance the education of the public in the importance of bees in the environment. It provides information to help people to learn about bees in many different ways. The Basic Assessment is the first practical qualification a Beekeeper can do after they have kept bees for one year or more.

BBKA Basic Assessment
The Basic Assessment is the first level of the BBKA assessments and covers everything a beginner beekeeper should be familiar with, including colony management, bee life cycle, equipment, pests and diseases. It aims to provide new beekeepers with a measure of their basic skills and knowledge.
To be able to take the Basic Assessment you should have managed at least one colony of bees for a minimum of 12 months and normally WBK members will also have completed the WBK Beginners course. In order to take the assessment you must be a member of the BBKA or its affiliated associations. Weybridge is a division of Surrey BKA, and is affiliated to the BBKA.
A short preparation course is sometimes run by WBK, but places are limited so please email: weybridgebees.training@gmail.com to find out about dates and reserve a place.
The Basic Assessment is well worth taking as it demonstrates to third party land owners if you have an out apiary that you have the basic skills required to keep bees. It is also a great way to brush up on your skills after having done a beginners course. The practical examination is held normally at one of the other divisional apiaries in Surrey so not too far to travel.